We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or be used for a sermon group discussion.


Main Scripture: Matthew 2:1-23

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week, consider reading the provided scripture to catch everyone up!


God does not have physical hands because He is Spirit (John 4:24). God’s hand is an expression of His work in creation or His leading, guiding, working, empowering, encouraging, protecting, and strengthening you in His will. 

  • Isaiah 64:8 says, “Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” 

  • Isaiah 48:13 says, “My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I summon them, they all stand up together.”

  • Ezra 7:28 says, “Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage…”

  • Ezekiel 3:22 The hand of the Lord was on me there, and He said to me, “Get up, go out to the plain, and there I will speak to you.”

In the birth of Christ, you can certainly see the Wonder of God’s hand working on behalf of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the Magi, and ultimately for our salvation.


Matthew 2:1-23 NLT

God’s Hands on the Magi v. 1-12

The Magi

  • The historian Herodotus mentions “magi” as a priestly caste of Media, or Persia, and, as the religion in Persia at the time was Zoroastrianism, Herodotus’ magi were probably Zoroastrian priests…Herodotus, together with Plutarch and Strabo, suggests that magi were partly responsible for ritual and cultic life (supervising sacrifices and prayers) and partly responsible as royal advisers to the courts of the East. Believing the affairs of history were reflected in the movements of the stars and other phenomena, Herodotus suggests the rulers of the East commonly utilized the magi’s knowledge of astrology and dream interpretation to determine affairs of state. Elwell, W. A., & Beitzel, B. J. (1988). Wise Men. In Baker encyclopedia of the Bible (Vol. 2, p. 2154). Baker Book House.

  • OT connection: How did the Magi from the East know about this newborn king? Being from the East, they would have been among Jews exiled from Judah and Israel centuries before. “That many Jews were mixed with this people there is little doubt; and that these eastern magi, or philosophers, astrologers, or whatever else they were, might have been originally of that class, there is room to believe. These, knowing the promise of the Messiah, were now, probably, like other believing Jews, waiting for the consolation of Israel.” -Adam Clarke Commentary

  • Bible scholars believe the Magi would have been influenced by the exiles from Jerusalem and would read Numbers 24:17: “A Star shall come out of Jacob; a Scepter shall rise out of Israel.” This was widely regarded by ancient Jewish scholars as a Messianic prediction.

The Star

  • Many attempts have been made to explain the phenomenon of the star, such as that there was a conjunction of planets or the explosion of a supernova or the appearance of a comet, but none carries conviction. What is clear is that the Magi reported some astronomical phenomenon that they had some way of linking with a particular king, the king of the Jews.11 Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (p. 36). W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

  • God knew the Magi were astrologists and men who looked to the stars for guidance. God drew them with the Word and the star of Bethelem. God knows how to reach us! (I’m not advocating we practice using stars or horoscopes to tell us what to do. This is prohibited in the Bible (Jer. 10:2 NLT ; Deut. 18:9-14; Deut. 4:19; Isaiah 47:13) God’s Word was being seen through a star to ultimately guide them to worship Jesus.

King Herod

  • Why would King Herod be disturbed? Herod was appointed by Rome to be King of the Jews, but he was an Edomite, not a Jew. Historically, Herod had serious jealousy and paranoia issues. The idea that prestigious men from afar were coming all this way to worship a newborn who could grow up to take his place…yeah, that triggered Herod.

The Jewish Priests

  • The Jewish priests and teachers quote Micah 5:2 to answer Herod’s question and rightly use prophetic scripture to interpret this occasion. 

  • They thus showed that their failure to believe was not due to ignorance: “Israel knew precisely where the King of the Jews would be born, but it was the Gentiles who worshiped him first” (on v. 4). Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (p. 38). W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

  • They understood the Biblical meaning correctly but chose not to apply it to themselves.

The Magi go to worship

  • In private, Herod meets with the Magi. Something is off though because before he was disturbed and now he wants to know where Jesus is so he too can go worship him. 

  • V. 11  They entered the house and saw a child. Jesus was not a baby but a child anywhere from 6 months-2 years old. When they saw the child and Mary they bowed down and worshiped him. 

  • They generously bestowed on him expensive and rare gifts. Christians have often seen symbolic meanings in them, gold for royalty, frankincense for deity, and myrrh pointing to suffering and death, but Matthew says nothing about this. Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (p. 41). W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

  • V. 12 The hand of God, the work of God stepped in a warned them in a dream not to return to Herod (Maybe tell my story about dreaming of Jesus’ return).

God’s Hands on the Family v. 13-23

The Escape to Egypt v. 13-15

  • An angel appears again to Joseph in a dream (or vision) to leave and go to Egypt because Herod is going to search for the child and kill him. This is God’s hand of protection in the works. They stayed until Herod died and this fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: Hosea 11:1 “I called my Son out of Egypt.”

Herod’s Evil Response v. 16-18

  • This behavior was not unusual for Herod. History tells us he had three of his sons killed out of paranoia of mutiny, and when he was near death he left orders that one member of each family should be executed on his death so that the whole nation would really be in mourning (the orders were not carried out).  Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (p. 45). W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

  • Matthew 2:18 refers to Jeremiah 31:15. Context:Israel, in the days of Jeremiah, was taken captive to Babylon. Many children were taken and the people mourned and cried. A similar circumstance would occur five centuries later. A brutal king (Herod the Great) would slaughter Bethlehem’s babies in an attempt to eliminate a rival King, Jesus…Herod is like the “new Nebuchadnezzar.” The former Babylonian King by his cruel policies thought he would extinguish forever the hopes and aspirations of Israel. In like fashion, the bloody Herod thought he would eliminate the new Israel’s king by the massacre of Bethlehem’s babes. But… “Jeremiah’s prophecy goes on to the note of hope (Jer. 31:17) and to the making of a new covenant (Jer. 31:31–34); further, the Israelites did in time return from their exile. All this points to the fact that the child Jesus would in due course come back from his exile in Egypt”. Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (pp. 46–47). W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.God would bring his son back from the land of the dead. And as a result, a great spiritual reconciliation of peace would be available for all who yield to the Savior’s authority. Rachel’s tears were wiped away and the Messianic hope was revealed.

The Return to Nazareth v. 19-23

  • For the third time, an angel visits Joseph in a dream (or vision). Joseph’s quick obedience should be noted here. 

  • This return was short-lived and for the fourth time, Joseph is warned in a dream. But that’s okay, it’s all part of God’s plan to fulfill scripture. Joseph took Mary and Jesus to Galilee and they lived in a town called Nazareth. This fulfills what the prophets said.

  • There are no prophecies that specifically spell out Jesus would be called a Nazarene. What Matthew was trying to point to is that Jesus would be looked at in contempt for being a Nazarene. ​​It appears that Matthew is drawing attention to the thrust of Old Testament prophecies about Christ being despised and rejected… Jesus went to Galilee so that what was written about him in the prophets would be fulfilled, and we see this in his being called a Nazarene, a citizen of an obscure and unimportant town. Had he been known as “Jesus of Bethlehem” he would have had the aura of one who came from the royal city of David; there would have been overtones of messianic majesty. But “Jesus the Nazarene” carried with it overtones of contempt. We are to understand the prophets as pointing to one who would be despised and rejected, and Jesus as fulfilling this by his connection with obscure Nazareth. Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (p. 49). W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

  • Matthew references the prophets in general possibly Jeremiah and Zechariah (Jeremiah 23:5; Jeremiah 33:15; Zechariah 3:8; Zechariah 6:12) But if there was any specific passage in Matthew’s mind, it was likely Isaiah 11:1: There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. The Hebrew word translated Branch sounds like “Nazir” (neser). “Jerome, following the Jewish scholars of his time, believed the reference to be mainly to Isaiah 11, where mention is made of a branch that shall spring out of Jesse’s root…The epithet Nazarene will thus mean: ‘the man of Nazareth, the town of the little shoot’.” (F.F. Bruce)

  • Mary is from Nazareth. Joseph was born in Bethlehem but also grew up in Nazareth.  

  • Nathaniel reveals this disdain for Nazareth in John 1:43-51 “Nothing good comes out of Nazareth!”

God’s Hands on us

What we see in this story is God’s hands of protection, provision, and purpose. God protected Mary and Joseph from the opposition of evil-doers. God provided for the family through the generous gifts of the Magi. God provided a star for the Magi and protected them from Herod through a dream. God’s hand was on this whole journey through a star, angels, and dreams. God fulfilled his purpose to bring salvation into the world for all people, Jews and Gentiles.

This is all hindsight, 20/20. But the reality is this had to be a scary and difficult journey for Mary and Joseph. They are brand new parents, they are dodging a madman, and they are moving multiple times. But God worked everything out for Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.


God’s hand is on our journey more than we know or realize. God is leading, guiding, protecting, and providing for us as His children. 

We are God's fellow workers. God calls us to discern, trust, and follow His plans at work.

God’s children are not immune to difficult journeys. Our faith in God will be tested and stretched. But, one day, we’ll look back and see how God’s hand was working all things for our good. 

  • Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

  • God told his people through the prophet Isaiah, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 

Remember whose hands you’re in! 

When we go through difficult journeys we try to figure out what God is doing. We forget that we’ll never be able to comprehend or understand all the ways God works. What we should do is remember God’s character and who’s hands were in. God is truthful and trustworthy. God is just, faithful, devoted, and loving. Remember God’s nature. God is mighty and powerful. God has authority over all things and He gets the final word on everything. God is sovereign and no trial happens to us that He has not allowed. God is ever-present, He is with us through everything. Self-inflicted problems come with consequences but ones that are outside of our control we can be sure God is in the middle, working for our good. If we do mess up the Bible reminds us: 

  • 1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

  • The Psalmist wrote this from personal experience: “With a mighty hand and outstretched arm; His love endures forever.” Psalm 136:12

God’s hands are working to draw and convict the hearts of unbelievers to come to Jesus.


  • What stuck out to you from this message about the Wonder of His Word?

  • In what ways can you or have you seen God’s Hand in your life?

  • What can we learn from Joseph’s “quick obedience” after his 3rd visit from an Angel?

  • What is the significance of Jesus being called Nazarene as opposed to being from Bethlehem?

  • What did God use in this sermon to speak to your heart or situation?

  • What other notes did you highlight or write down that you would like to share?

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed? We encourage you to process this decision with a strong believer and when you’re ready say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I acknowledge and admit I have sinned. I see my need for Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe I am forgiven and cleansed of my sin by His death. I also believe I have eternal life because of His resurrection from the dead. I repent, I turn away from my old ways and I choose to live my life to worship you and follow Jesus, Amen!

We would love to know if you made the decision to accept this wonderful gift from God. Let us know here.

Pray Together

We hope you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


