We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or be used for a sermon group discussion.


Main Scripture: Acts 4:23-31

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week, consider reading the provided scripture to catch everyone up!


I’ve never started a fire and hope I never do! HA! But I’ve always wanted to be a part of a spiritual fire. It only takes a spark to start a fire and a little fuel and oxygen for that fire to spread. This one act of faith from Peter and John in Acts 3 served as a spark and fueled the fire in chapter 4. The critics, skeptics, and opposition provoked the fire, the presence of the Holy Spirit within His people. The presence and power of the Holy Spirit carried over into the prayer meeting we read today. Let’s check it out…


Acts 4:23-31 NLT

V. 23

  • The apostles returned to the fellowship to testify what happened. There the apostles testified of what the leading priests and elders said and what happened. This testimony sparked the church into a prayer meeting.

  • *Sometimes you need encouragement because the intimidation is so strong.  

  • But think about what happened in the moments prior. There was a miracle of healing, thousands of souls were added to heaven, and Peter and John were released unharmed. This was a big win for the Kingdom of God! 

V. 24-28

  • They acknowledge the will and authority of God over all. 

  • I don’t think we can assume they all prayed the same prayer. Luke simply records they were all praying together and most likely someone, such as an apostle in the gathering prayed a prophetic prayer that parallels with Psalm 2:1-2. They connect what happened to Jesus in this very city to the words of Psalm 2. 

  • The subject of the scripture was the plans of those who come against God are futile, they won’t succeed. The entire world may come against the Lord but He prevails. 

  • They acknowledge that everything that happened to Jesus was God’s will for the redemption of man from sin. 

  • This trial against the church in the end didn’t hurt the kingdom of God it glorified and advanced it more! You’ll see in the book of Acts that persecution spreads the kingdom of God instead of suppressing it.

V. 29-30

  • They double down on their commitment to boldly witness for Jesus. They boldly ask God to stretch out His hand with healing power, miracles, signs, and wonders be done in Jesus’ name.

  • “One would expect them to ask God for further deliverance. They did not. Instead, they asked for more of the same, requesting his boldness in witness and further miraculous signs. The request for a miracle was not a request for power over their enemies. It was closely related to the request for boldness in witness. In Acts the miracles are always in the service of the word.” -Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, p. 150). Broadman & Holman Publishers.

“Hear their threats…” 

  • As if to say, “God, you hear them and you deal with them. Meanwhile, we’ll go do your work!” That’s solid theology, accurate knowledge of God, and a sign of faith in God’s hand upon them. They know the scriptures.

“And give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word.” As if to pray, “We won’t shrink back in the face of opposition instead we will be bold, give us your boldness.”

  • Preaching the gospel, preaching the word, is essential to the church. The church was focused on proclaiming the gospel not three steps to being successful at work self-help stuff. No, they knew what mattered and worked the most.

“Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

  • They specifically asked for God to stretch out His hand with healing power so more miracles and wonders would be done through the name of Jesus. These powerful miracles serve as signs and testify to the power and truth of the gospel. Miracles such as healings serve as confirmation. They prayed for healings and miracles to accompany the gospel, not take the place of the gospel. They prayed for these to complement the gospel, to be an outcome because the gospel is true. This reminds me to make sure I share the gospel while also praying for a miracle, especially, if someone who needs a miracle also needs salvation.  

V. 31

  • The presence and power of God filled and shook the meeting place and they received a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. The result: they preached the Word of God with boldness. 

  • *The Holy Spirit fills you with courage to be faithful in witnessing for the Lord. 

  • How could they tell if they were once again filled with the Holy Spirit, what would be that sign? The first sign, they most likely spoke or prayed in tongues. 

  • The second sign: boldness to preach the Word of God. This is the outcome of being in fellowship, obedience, prayer, and filled with the Holy Spirit.


A church on fire is Spirit-filled and Spirit-led


  • Ready to witness 

  • Faith for miracles

  • God-fearing

  • Bold and courageous

  • Dependent on prayer

  • Receptive to the Spirit’s leading

  • Committed to sharing the Word

  • A burden to reach the lost

  • If we had to find a model for the church and what the church should be doing wouldn’t this church be the one? To me, the first four chapters of Acts help me define what it means to be THE Church. Just in this chapter 4 alone, the church was evangelizing and witnessing to the lost, preaching the gospel, praying, and worshipping God, together! 

  • I love the holistic view of church in this chapter, it’s not confined or defined by just being together for worship on Sunday and it’s not confined or defined by just evangelizing and witnessing to the lost. The Church is called to all of it. 

I’m convicted by this church

  • I’m convicted especially by the first few chapters that reveal who the church was and what they focused on. Notice how powerfully God is moving and there was no event or planned outreach, it was just their way of life. 

  • I believe that when the church body takes ownership of the mission to be witnesses and is Spirit-filled and Spirit-led, we won't depend on, wait for, or need outreach events as much. The church is God’s greatest outreach. No event, no big outreach can accomplish what we all can accomplish if we live on mission in our everyday lives.

  • Events and outreach ministries have their place and time but they should not replace our personal reach as the body of Christ. The amount of time, energy, and resources going into the planning and execution of events and outreaches mean well, but they can deter us from placing our faith and obedience to the leading of the Spirit all week.

  • It could be a both/and rather than either/or.  But we need to do what the Word and the Spirit of the Lord are leading us to do first which is be Spirit-empowered witnesses of the Word of God, believe and pray for healings, miracles, signs, and wonders. I’m convinced that we need to get back and start with Biblical and Spirit-led strategies before putting all our energy, trust, and resources into man-made strategies.

Faith and Courage are contagious

  • Faith and courage in action are contagious

  • More courage and boldness come from stepping out in faith and experiencing God’s power and work as we witness. The church didn’t just wait, the church acted when necessary. 

  • The power of testimonies and prayer come together and become spiritual momentum that keeps the church a movement rather than a monument.  

PRAY: I think we should pray the same prayer in faith: “And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” -Acts 4:29-30


  • What did God use in this sermon to speak to your heart or situation?

  • What part of the scripture stuck out to you and why?

  • What signs of a spirit-filled church have you witnessed here at Calvary or in a previous church?

  • Are churches depending too much on man-made outreach strategies versus Spirit-filled, Spirit-led strategies and what’s the difference?

  • In what areas do you see a need for growth in the church?

  • What other notes did you highlight or write down that you would like to share?

The most important decision you will ever make!

If you’re ready to trust in Jesus for salvation and eternal life we encourage you to process this decision with a strong believer and when you’re ready say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I acknowledge and admit I have sinned. I see my need for Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe I am forgiven and cleansed of my sin by His death. I also believe I have eternal life because of His resurrection from the dead. I repent, I turn away from my old ways and I choose to live my life to worship you and follow Jesus, Amen!

We would love to know if you decided to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Let us know here.

Pray Together

We hope you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


